Our Mission
Our Vision
We exist to glorify God by empowering every woman through faith, community, and service. Our mission is to inspire spiritual growth and nurture women in order to reach our families, our community and our world for Christ.
The vision of the FBCD Women’s Ministry is to provide a vibrant and effective multicultural and multigenerational community that supports and encourages women to be disciples of Jesus Christ, who live on mission daily.
Knowing the Word is the only sure means of discerning truth from error. Women need to become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. Women are most frequently appealed to through their emotions. Because of that, the studies promoted by LifeLine will advocate for women to have Bible literacy, love God with their minds, and follow Christ as His disciple.
LifeLine for Women is a ministry to encourage women to develop a growing and intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the study of God's Word in fellowship with other women. Our purpose is to make disciples who will grow up in Christ and make disciples. Welcome are those still seeking as well as those desiring to continue to grow in their walk with the Lord. We offer weekly Bible study classes for women, utilizing in-person classes as well as Zoom classes.
LifeLine for Women is a ministry to encourage women to develop a growing and intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the study of God's Word in fellowship with other women. Our purpose is to make disciples who will grow up in Christ and make disciples. Welcome are those still seeking as well as those desiring to continue to grow in their walk with the Lord. We offer weekly Bible study classes for women, utilizing in-person classes as well as Zoom classes.
Training in Godliness for Women by Lisa Black
Wednesday Night I 6:30–8:00 pm I Room 414
Leader: Lisa Black
Cost: $10
As women, we have a God given purpose for our lives: to discover who we are in Christ and become all that He has called us to be. In this class, we will pursue God in His Word to “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” as 1 Timothy 4:7 says. A virtuous woman has the desire to grow in godliness and reflect the many qualities of God’s character. Join us as we study to bring our own will under submission to God’s will in our lives to become a more godly Christian woman. (Class begins Wednesday, January 8, 2025.)
Leader: Lisa Black
Cost: $10
As women, we have a God given purpose for our lives: to discover who we are in Christ and become all that He has called us to be. In this class, we will pursue God in His Word to “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” as 1 Timothy 4:7 says. A virtuous woman has the desire to grow in godliness and reflect the many qualities of God’s character. Join us as we study to bring our own will under submission to God’s will in our lives to become a more godly Christian woman. (Class begins Wednesday, January 8, 2025.)

Adornadas: Viviendo juntas la belleza del evangelio
(Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together) by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Wednesday Night I 7:00–8:00 pm I Room 407
Leader: Grace Lopez
Cost: $0
El modelo de Tito 2 de que las mujeres mayores vivan el evangelio junto a las más jóvenes es vital para que todas podamos crecer. Es de fortaleza mutua, glorifica a Dios y hace que Su verdad sea creíble para nuestro mundo. Esto es comunidad cristiana como Dios la diseñó. Tu vida encontrará su significado más pleno al adornar el evangelio de Cristo.
The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world. This is Christian community as God designed it. Your life will find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ. (Class begins Wednesday, January 8, 2025.)
Leader: Grace Lopez
Cost: $0
El modelo de Tito 2 de que las mujeres mayores vivan el evangelio junto a las más jóvenes es vital para que todas podamos crecer. Es de fortaleza mutua, glorifica a Dios y hace que Su verdad sea creíble para nuestro mundo. Esto es comunidad cristiana como Dios la diseñó. Tu vida encontrará su significado más pleno al adornar el evangelio de Cristo.
The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world. This is Christian community as God designed it. Your life will find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ. (Class begins Wednesday, January 8, 2025.)

Wednesday Night I 6:30–8:00 pm I Room 416
Leader: Pam York
Cost: $0
GriefShare is an opportunity for you or a friend to procress grief experienced in life. Let's walk through life together - the good times + the hard times. This is a weekly Bible study on Wednesday nights starting January 8th from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Leader: Pam York
Cost: $0
GriefShare is an opportunity for you or a friend to procress grief experienced in life. Let's walk through life together - the good times + the hard times. This is a weekly Bible study on Wednesday nights starting January 8th from 6:30-8:00 pm.

1 Peter: How to Stand Firm When Tested by Kay Arthur
Thursday Morning I 9:00–11:30 am I Room 414 (In-person + Zoom)
Leader: Juli Muchnick
Cost: $30 ($10 without workbook)
Childcare is available for this class, but must be preregistered and the cost is shared among the class via a love offering.
Scattered, suffering, and discouraged – this was the state of mind for believers facing persecution after a rapid and exhilarating time of growth for the church. Needing encouragement, Peter steps in, with his letter to the churches spread across the tumultuous Roman Empire…. What does it mean to suffer? Where is God when we go through hard times? How do I maintain my faith when I’m hurting? How can I endure this pain? Explore these questions and more as you learn what it means to suffer and endure through hard times. In this Bible study guide on I Peter, explore what it means to be full of the grace of God even while living the life of an exile. (Class begins Thursday, January 9, 2025.)
Leader: Juli Muchnick
Cost: $30 ($10 without workbook)
Childcare is available for this class, but must be preregistered and the cost is shared among the class via a love offering.
Scattered, suffering, and discouraged – this was the state of mind for believers facing persecution after a rapid and exhilarating time of growth for the church. Needing encouragement, Peter steps in, with his letter to the churches spread across the tumultuous Roman Empire…. What does it mean to suffer? Where is God when we go through hard times? How do I maintain my faith when I’m hurting? How can I endure this pain? Explore these questions and more as you learn what it means to suffer and endure through hard times. In this Bible study guide on I Peter, explore what it means to be full of the grace of God even while living the life of an exile. (Class begins Thursday, January 9, 2025.)

Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland
Thursday Morning I 9:00–11:30 am I Room 412
Leader: Penny Chambers
Cost: $30 ($10 without workbook)
Childcare is available for this class, but must be preregistered and the cost is shared among the class via a love offering.
Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Over 7 sessions, challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you'll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody. (Class begins Thursday, January 9, 2025.)
Leader: Penny Chambers
Cost: $30 ($10 without workbook)
Childcare is available for this class, but must be preregistered and the cost is shared among the class via a love offering.
Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Over 7 sessions, challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus. Along the way, you'll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody. (Class begins Thursday, January 9, 2025.)

Ephesians: A Study of Faith & Practice by Melissa Kruger, Jackie Hill, and Jasmine L. Holmes
Thursday Morning I 9:30–11:30 am I Room 416
Leader: Kristi Shearouse
Cost: $25 ($10 without workbook)
Childcare is available for this class, but must be preregistered and the cost is shared among the class via a love offering.
Who am I? The question of identity is always in the back of our minds, and it’s currently at the forefront of social conversations. But the first question we need to ask is: Who is God? Then we can begin to consider, And who am I in light of who He is? In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes God as a merciful and forgiving Father who unites us in Christ and empowers us to live by the Spirit. We’re adopted children and fellow citizens with the saints because of God’s loving pursuit on our behalf.
In this 7-session study, Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. (Class begins Thursday, January 9, 2025.)
Leader: Kristi Shearouse
Cost: $25 ($10 without workbook)
Childcare is available for this class, but must be preregistered and the cost is shared among the class via a love offering.
Who am I? The question of identity is always in the back of our minds, and it’s currently at the forefront of social conversations. But the first question we need to ask is: Who is God? Then we can begin to consider, And who am I in light of who He is? In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes God as a merciful and forgiving Father who unites us in Christ and empowers us to live by the Spirit. We’re adopted children and fellow citizens with the saints because of God’s loving pursuit on our behalf.
In this 7-session study, Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. (Class begins Thursday, January 9, 2025.)

On Bended Knee: Praying Like Prophets, Warriors, and Kings by Crickett Keeth
Sunday Evening I 5:15-7:30 pm I Room 414
Leader: Joan Powell
Cost: $15 ($0 without workbook)
If you’re dissatisfied in your prayer life, wanting to be more consistent in prayer, or looking to deepen your intimacy with God, then this 8-week Bible study was written for you. It examines the prayers of eight biblical characters and teaches you how to pray like the prayer warriors who went before you. You’ll study:
Jesus: A Model Prayer
Paul: A Prayer of Intercession
Job: A Prayer of Despair
Hannah: A Prayer of Longing
David: A Prayer of Lament
Asa: A Prayer of Seeking God
Jehoshaphat: A Prayer of Dependence
Nehemiah: A Prayer of Boldness
(Class begins Sunday, January 12, 2025.)
Leader: Joan Powell
Cost: $15 ($0 without workbook)
If you’re dissatisfied in your prayer life, wanting to be more consistent in prayer, or looking to deepen your intimacy with God, then this 8-week Bible study was written for you. It examines the prayers of eight biblical characters and teaches you how to pray like the prayer warriors who went before you. You’ll study:
Jesus: A Model Prayer
Paul: A Prayer of Intercession
Job: A Prayer of Despair
Hannah: A Prayer of Longing
David: A Prayer of Lament
Asa: A Prayer of Seeking God
Jehoshaphat: A Prayer of Dependence
Nehemiah: A Prayer of Boldness
(Class begins Sunday, January 12, 2025.)

Strength in the Struggle: Letting Go of Fear and Anxiety by Lauren Ibach
Sunday Evening I 6:00-8:00 pm I Room 412
Leader: Tara Larson
Cost: $15 ($0 without workbook)
An encouraging 10-lesson Bible study workbook for women about letting go of fear and anxiety. The world offers many solutions to manage and cope with these struggles, but what Jesus offers us is far greater. God’s Word has the power and authority to transform lives and give us strength in every battle. Strength in the Struggle was created to help readers cultivate a biblical understanding of anxiety and fear, trust in the power of the gospel as our ultimate hope, and learn to apply God’s Word in both thought and action. Each lesson focuses on a single memory verse within its historical and biblical context. It includes hand-lettered artwork to help with memorization, short commentaries that provide clarity, and thought-provoking questions for study and life application. In this study, readers will find strength in their struggles with fear and anxiety as their trust in Jesus and His promises deepen. (Class begins Sunday, January 12, 2025.)
Leader: Tara Larson
Cost: $15 ($0 without workbook)
An encouraging 10-lesson Bible study workbook for women about letting go of fear and anxiety. The world offers many solutions to manage and cope with these struggles, but what Jesus offers us is far greater. God’s Word has the power and authority to transform lives and give us strength in every battle. Strength in the Struggle was created to help readers cultivate a biblical understanding of anxiety and fear, trust in the power of the gospel as our ultimate hope, and learn to apply God’s Word in both thought and action. Each lesson focuses on a single memory verse within its historical and biblical context. It includes hand-lettered artwork to help with memorization, short commentaries that provide clarity, and thought-provoking questions for study and life application. In this study, readers will find strength in their struggles with fear and anxiety as their trust in Jesus and His promises deepen. (Class begins Sunday, January 12, 2025.)

The women of our church family believe that prayer is important. As we see in scripture, Jesus modeled prayer for the church and called her to prayer in his name. The Women’s Ministry is starting a Prayer Ministry in the Fall of 2024 to teach women the value of praying and how we can pray as the body of Christ. This is a time of guided prayer for our families, church unity, and seeking wisdom as the Lord continues to grow our church as we seek to be Multicultural, Multigenerational, and Multiplying.

Reach Events are missional in focus—opportunities to serve our church or community in various ways. These events generally occur every other month (rotating with Connect events). Stay tuned to this calendar for any upcoming Reach events.
Connect Events are opportunities for the women of First Baptist to foster community and fellowship. These events generally occur every other month (rotating with Reach events). We also offer Women's Conferences/Retreats along with other events for women to create community. Stay tuned to this calendar for any upcoming Connect events and other Women's Ministry events.